Your mental health plays a role in so many different parts of your body without realizing. Your brain sends signals to your body without you realizing, it is truly amazing. The incredible book The Body Keeps The Score dives into how trauma shapes our mind and rewires our brains to do things in our body we do not even realize. It is important to start at a young age prioritizing your mental health. Prioritizing your mental health looks different for everyone. For some this may be taking a nap, journaling, or meditating. For others this can be going on a walk, cleaning, or saying no to more things. Here are some ideas you all can start today:
- Practice self care
- Take a longer shower
- Go a few days without social media
- Go outside for 30 minutes
- Read a book
- Set boundaries
- Forgive yourself
- Go grab a coffee with your best friend
This can help you to live a healthier and longer life if you begin to implement self care tools to take care of your mental health.
Next, it is important to maintain a sense of independence in your life. If you are getting older it is still as important to do things on your own. Discuss with your caregiver what this could look like. If you are not in assisted living try to do as much as you can for as long as you can safely.
Some ideas to practice independence:
- Be by yourself for an hour
- Go eat by yourself
- Go grocery shopping alone
- Go do a task you have been wanting to do but didn’t know how
- Ex. Go by yourself to change your tire
- Go watch a movie alone
- Take a workout class alone
Maintaining your independence is huge for your mind, body, and soul. Try to implement something new into your life today that will benefit your future self!
For many seniors, companionship is key for mental health and well-being. Contact the Superior Aging Care team today online or at (949) 687-2112 to learn more about our companionship services and how someone you love can benefit from our friendly, compassionate care staff.